How to build a Culture of Quality?

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Good quality leads to higher revenue, profit, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction.

The key to achieving good quality is creating a Culture of Quality – where everyone knows what to do, how they are doing, and are constantly looking for ways to improve.

Join our live webinar to:
  • Learn about the impact of Poor Quality and that of Good Quality
  • What a Culture of Quality looks like and how to foster it
  • Why it helps organizations to become successful
  • Practical steps to influence organizational change

Your host for this webinar:
Nils Nugteren is Vice President of Sales at AlisQI, the no-code Quality Management platform for manufacturing. Nils leads our sales team and focusses on introducing the AlisQI solution to manufacturers worldwide.
Presentation by
Nils Nugteren - VP Sales

Duration - 30 minutes
30 minutes presentation followed by 15 minutes Q&A

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